Thursday, 24 November 2011

A change of colour

It had been a while since I had done anything to the van what with Rosie and I moving into our first home together. Where I live on the coast and spend most of my time in search of wind or swell and this takes it toll on polished alloys - they had just started to bubble and pit, so what I did was to put the steels back on for a while whilst I sprayed my alloys black. I know some people really don’t like black alloys, especially my mate Andy who seems to think they look like steels until closer inspection! But I really like them and the way they look on a red van.

The first thing I did was to clean them, then sand them first with 240 grit and then 400 grit to make sure all the laquer came off. Next I deflated the tyres as much as possible and then pushed back the sidewall of the tyre and then masked the wheel up. The next step was the primer, I used plastic kote grey super primer from B&Q, I sprayed 3 full coats on each wheel, making sure there were no runs, leaving 30 mins between each coat and then left for 24hrs to dry before flatting off with 400 grit very lightly.

After that it was time for colour, again I used plastic kote black super satin from B&Q, this time I applied 5 full coats to each wheel and again made sure I had no runs in the paint leaving 30 mins between each coat and then left again for 24hrs to go off. There was no need to flat the paint off but I did key the surface very slightly to allow the laquer something to adhere to. 

Here they are all finished and looking nice in 
my shed!! Now to put them back on!!

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